CSIR UGC JRF NET Chemistry Question Paper

CSIR UGC JRF NET Chemistry Question Paper
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States of Matter - Fill in Blanks type question in chemistry Part -3


41. The average Kinetic energy of a gas is proportional to its __________ temperature.

42. Kinetic equation may be mathematically written as __________.

43. The temperature at which two crystalline forms of a substance can coexist in equilibrium is called __________.

44. Lighter gases diffuse __________ than heavier gases.

45. Rain drops are __________ in shape.

46. Due to surface tension, the surface area of the liquid is __________.

47. Water __________ in the capillary tube.

48. Viscosity of a solution at 10°C is __________ than at 20°C.

49. Shape of NaCl crystal is __________.

50. Gases intermix to form a mixture.

51. Pressure of a dry gas is __________ than the pressure of a moist gas.

52. 22.4 dm3 of nitrogen at S.T.P will weigh equal to __________ gm.

53. 1 mole of any gas at S.T.P is equal to __________ dm3.

54. At -273°C, volume of all gases becomes __________.

55. The gases, which strictly follows the gas Laws are called __________ gas.

56. __________ is the property that determines the direction of flow of heat.

57. __________ is defined as force per unit area.

58. __________ viscosity is defined as the viscosity of a liquid as compared to the water.

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