CSIR UGC JRF NET Chemistry Question Paper

CSIR UGC JRF NET Chemistry Question Paper
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Multiple Choice Questions on Alkenes


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1. The best nomenclature for the geometry of the following compound is...

(a) cis-

(b) trans-

(c) E-

(d) Z-

2. Arrange the following groups in decreasing order of priority for E/Z nomenclature with the highest priority group listed first.

(a) B>A>C

(b) B>C>A

(c) A>C>B

(d) C>A>B

3. What is the best name for the following compound?

(a) 3-methylenehexane

(b) 2-propyl-1-butene

(c) 4-ethyl-4-pentene

(d) 2-ethyl-1-pentene

4. What is the best name for the following compound?

(a) 2-methylcyclohexene

(b) 3-methylhexene

(c) 1-methylcyclohex-2-ene

(d) 3-methylcyclohexene

5. The mechanism of the reaction of propene with H3O+ will proceed through which of the following intermediates?

6. The reaction of propene with HBr in the presence of ROOR (peroxide) proceeds through which of the following intermediates?

7. What is the major product expected from the following reaction?

8. What is the major product expected from the following reaction?

9. What is the major product expected from the following reaction?

10. The mechanism of the reaction of propene with HOCl (Cl2 + H2O) will proceed through which of the following intermediates?

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